Partner Course
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Social Rights & Equity

Human rights, environmental protection and climate change

Further your career in resilient landscapes managent


Estimated Time

2 weeks
0-5 Hours

The e-Learning course “Human Rights, Environmental Protection and Climate Change” covers the basic principles and concepts of human rights, the SDGs with emphasis on the goals and targets most relevant to environmental protection, and the relationship between human rights and the environment. In light of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) that is taking place in December 2019, the interdependance between both fields has never been more relevant. The course will notably illustrate how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can and is necessary to environmental protection, considering the recent scientific and legal developments around human rights and environment regimes. It will include as well a section covering the new developments following the COP25.

Course Information




United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

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Social Rights & Equity


Social Rights & Equity




500 USD

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