Partner Course
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Landscape Approach

MSc Forest Sciences with International Forestry

Further your career in resilient landscapes managent


Estimated Time

4 semesters
0-5 Hours

The University of Freiburg, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, is pleased to invite you to apply for its MSc Forest Sciences with the International Forestry elective track starting in October 2022.

Forests and forestry offer solutions to many sustainable development issues, most prominently contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

Freiburg, the green city in the heart of Europe, where Forest Sciences have a long tradition, is the ideal place to acquire the necessary competencies. Excellence in research and teaching and the Black Forest as the living lab at our doorstep provide the ideal environment for training of future forest experts. Our mission is to qualify professionals who can deal with the current challenges of sustainable forest management for all ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation. A flexible programme structure allows you to build your own academic profile and prepare for your future career.

Who is this course for?

The International Forestry program is best suited to graduates of BSc programs in Forest sciences and closely related fields, who wish to work in an international context and also for international students from abroad who seek to expand their competencies and horizons for work in their home country.

Course Information


Offline & Online


University of Freiburg

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Landscape Approach


Landscape Approach




1,500 € per semester for non-EU students

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