Internal Course
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Governance & Policy

Landscape Governance: Adopt an Integrative Perspective

Further your career in resilient landscapes managent


Estimated Time

6 weeks
6-45 Hours

This course challenges forestry and nature management professionals to adopt an integrative perspective, to look beyond the forest, and build bridges between the public and the private sector. We focus on institutional development at landscape level including multi-stakeholder platforms and networks, and financial support mechanisms to guide landscape dynamics on the ground.

For who is this course?

Participants should be experienced professionals with several years of working experience in the fields of natural resources management, forestry, agriculture, rural development, rural livelihoods, sustainable development or other relevant areas. Proficiency in English is required.

Course programme in more detail

Forested landscapes worldwide are increasingly integrated in global processes of trade, market development, resource exploitation and climate change. This is why landscapes are increasingly considered to be appropriate levels to negotiate land use options. Within forested landscapes food production,commodity agriculture, biodiversity, resource extraction and other land uses are competing for space. Negotiation and conflict mediation between stakeholders and their interests are therefore increasingly needed and a new breed of professionals is high in demand.

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Course Information




Wageningen University & Research

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Governance & Policy


Governance & Policy




4300 EUR

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